Pizza dough is something I think that everyone should know how to make. It’s so easy and super foolproof, you really can do no wrong. Also, it tastes 100x better than store bought! Everyone has their own recipe, this is mine. All you need is five ingredients, a bit of time, and you’ll have a great pizza at the end of it all.

the process

So, let’s get started! The very first thing is to prepare the flour and salt in a more and mix together. Then you heat up some water, stir in the sugar and yeast and allow the yeast to bloom (fancy term for letting it activate and get all frothy). Once bloomed, add in the olive oil, then mix the wet into dry, knead for about 5 minutes, then let rise. And you’re done! So easy and barely takes anytime at all.

this is what your yeast mixture should look like, frothy, yeast smell, ready to be used!

the dough

So, you mixed the wet and dry ingredients, now what? I kneaded mine for about 6 minutes, and let rise in a greased bowl 1 hour Now personally, I strongly prefer hand kneading over machine kneading any day of the week, so I highly recommend you do the same. I like the fact that I can be much more tactile with the dough and monitor the moisture level and whether or not it needs to be kneaded more or not. It also prevents the dough from being overworked, which can easily be done in a machine.

Something to remember when working with dough (this goes for any dough you ever work with), is that the moisture level of the dough varies greatly based on the humidity outside, inside, and weather. If it’s humid, your dough will be stickier and require more flour, but if it’s dry, it might not need the extra flour. It’s definitely a guessing game, and something you should look out for.

[recipe title=”Pizza Dough” servings=”1 10-12″ Pizza Crust or 1 Sheet Pan Crsut” time=”1hr 30mins” difficulty=”easy”]

Super simple pizza dough for all the pizza lovers out there.


– 2 cups all-purpose flour

– 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt

– 3/4 cup lukewarm water

– 2 tablespoons olive oil

– 1/4 teaspoon granulated sugar

– 1 package active dry yeast



1. In a large bowl, combine the flour and salt, stir together.

2. Mix the lukewarm water, sugar, and yeast in a bowl and let sit in a warm spot and let bloom for 5 minutes. Once bloomed, add in the olive oil.

3. Combine wet and dry ingredients in the bowl until a shaggy dough forms. Turn out onto floured surface and knead for 6 minutes, keep adding flour if it gets sticky.

4. This can be used day of, simply place in a greased bowl and let rise for 1 hour. Or it can be placed in a plastic bag, and sealed, it will keep for just 1 day in the fridge. You can also freeze it, take it out the night before and let defrost and rise in the fridge.



Tips & Tricks: You can season the dough if you’d like, add Italian seasoning, or garlic powder in with the flour and salt mixture and continue recipe as is. If you keep it in the fridge, be sure to take it out about 30 minutes before cooking to get to room temperature.



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