What’s the perfect accompaniment to chili? It has to be cornbread. This recipe is just super delicious, and super easy. I make it easy by doctoring up a box of cornbread mix. You can use Jiffy or whatever you have on hand, I happened to have a box of Trader Joe’s cornbread. The addition of just a couple ingredients, completely changes the profile of the cornbread and makes it 1000 times better!

the process

This recipe really is so simple. You have a box of cornbread mix, add in cheddar cheese, greek yogurt, egg, oil, some diced jalapeno and you’re good to go. There’s little fuss, but a great outcome.

There’s really not much more to say or explain. Just make it, trust me.

[recipe title=”Jalapeno Cheddar Cornbread” servings=”4-6″ time=”45 mins” difficulty=”easy”] Super easy cornbread that is a great addition to your next chili night! It’s cheesy, simple and just really delicious.


– 1 box of cornbread mix

– 1 egg

– 1/2 cup of milk (any kind will work)

– 1 jalapeno, deseeded, and diced

– 1/2 cup cheddar cheese, shredded

– 1/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon whole milk Greek yogurt



1. Preheat oven to 350°F and butter an 8 x 8 inch pan.

2. Put mix into a large bowl, add in the egg, milk, diced jalapeno, half of the cheddar cheese (the rest is for topping) and the Greek yogurt. Stir to combine, be careful to not overmix. Let sit for about 10 minutes to let the ingredients completely absorb the liquids and the gluten relaxes.

3. Once the mixture has sit, pour into the prepared, buttered pan. Top with remaining cheddar cheese. Bake for about 30 – 35 minutes, or until the center is cooked and the edges are slightly brown and crisp.

4. Cut and serve alongside your favorite dish. Enjoy!



Tips & Tricks: You can use a red bell pepper if your not into spicy, or more jalapeno if you like spicy. This is basically a blank slate recipe, so you can really adjust it and play with the flavors! 

